Tag: Horsemen

My Fuhrer the clown – We will devastate our economy to facilitate the fourth industrial revolution

Fuhrer Starmer’s government passed its first budget.[1] It has had a devastating effect on the British economy.[2] Rises in business National Insurance contribution[3] is already causing some companies to commence winding down to close while many more are contemplating similar measures.[4] Furthermore, larger companies like Tesco estimate the increase in NI will cost…

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Book coming soon!

The book Unlocking Bible Prophecy unpacks scripture to enable a person to understand Bible prophecy. Often, people fail to grasp what the Bible says concerning the days we live because they do not understand key biblical terms.  The book Unlocking Bible Prophecy removes the mystery around Bible prophecy by using scripture to interpret scripture, laying…

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Time to make final preparations!

Global conflicts dominate the news as the world teeters ever closer to world war. Nevertheless, the prospect of war and the evasiveness of peace should not catch those with eyes to see the working out of prophetic scriptures on the world stage. Today, Israel remembers the first anniversary of the atrocities committed by…

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The storm is here and WILL intensify!

Many people are discussing the coming storm that is about to him. When I speak of a storm, it is a metaphor used to describe the coming economic collapse[1] [2] [3]and war.[4] The state of the geopolitical health of Western nations. However, while I believe such events are going to transpire, the reality…

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The Repentant Heart – Will You Humble Yourself Before God?

Just over a month ago, I met with a group of men to discuss a vision my dear friend Pete had from the LORD. A leading to gather the men to humble themselves before God in repentance, prayer and worship – a vision I wholeheartedly support as it concurs with how I feel…

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