Have you noticed the language used by people in authority when speaking of the current global instabilities? They are using Biblical eschatological metaphors to describe what is transpiring globally.

Andrew Bailey, governor of the Bank of England, recently stated that the UK was facing apocalyptic levels of food price inflation.[1]

Now while some have brushed aside Bailey’s comments, those watching global events have been sounding the alarm of the coming food crisis and subsequent depression for some time. Yes, the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia has significantly impacted global food distribution and the availability of staples. However, food supplies were already at an all-time low due to lockdowns and covid-19 responses. The National Farmers Union (NFU) warned in 2020 that the consequence of poor harvests because of the Covid-19 pandemic would have dire consequences for food production and supplies globally.[2] Additionally, the United Nations previously warned of the coming global food crisis that would be of a Biblical proportion.[3] However, it is again a warning of the current food crisis, which has intensified because of the current conflict. Antonio Gutterres, the UN secretary-general, stated that the Ukraine-related shortages could tip tens of millions of people into food insecurity. The result could be malnutrition, mass hunger and famine that could last for years and increase the risk of a global recession.[4]

However, as I have repeatedly reported, the seeds of famine were sown many years ago. A harvest we are now reaping.

Steve Murrells, chief executive of the Co-operative Group in August 2021, stated that “the shortage is at a worse level than at any time I have seen.[5] Likewise, other industrial leaders warned that we will see significant escalations in food prices, which will be detrimental to the already struggling economy.[6]

Rajit Boparan, President and founder of 2 sisters Food Group, stated a year ago that, [7]

“Supply of chicken and turkey is under threat, our retail partner and the wider supply chain have worked together closer than ever before to ensure we retain food supplies, and this is of huge credit to everyone. But we are at crisis point.”

Nearly a year ago, Boparan stated that chicken production was at a crisis point. Since then, things have only spiralled out of control and are far worse than a year ago. In the US, there have been several fires at chicken farms. One such fire saw tens of thousands of chickens killed in Wright County Egg Farm fire.[8] Additionally, Forty-three thousand chickens died in a fire in Heusden.[9] In the UK, Moon Ridge Farm ceased trading due to culling all its chickens after an avian flu outbreak.[10] Consequently, not only has the cost of chicken skyrocketed but so has the cost of eggs, as bird flu has decimated commercial flocks in the UK.[11]

Recently, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned the West, stating:

“One can have different attitudes to it, one can believe that the horsemen of the Apocalypse are already on their way and all hope is in Almighty God. However, one can still try to tone down this international situation.”[12]

Again, people have brushed off Medvedev’s apocalyptic warning as either propaganda[13] or a famine that Russia created[14] through weaponizing food distribution.[15] However, regardless of how or what has caused the current food crisis, the reality is famine is here! Thus, the question is, had you prepared for what is here?

Now, while people are facing an increase in the cost of food due to global famine, we are also facing an escalation in fuel costs. Who would have thought that it would cost £100 to fill up a family car? Compounding people’s plight is the coming global economic collapse that will result in mass unemployment globally. Over a year ago, the Institute for Public Policy and Research (IPPR) reported that 600,000 businesses in the UK were at risk of collapsing.[16] Recently the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has called on Rishi Sunak to help, as half a million small businesses are weeks away from collapsing. Martin McTaue, chairman of the FSB, has warned that the rising cost of living has created a ticking timebomb for small business owners. If nothing is done, the UK will see hundreds of thousands of small businesses closing. The effect on the UK economy will be catastrophic as millions of people will be made redundant and in need of government support at a time when things are already critical.[17]

While some might continue to put their heads in the sand in a distorted belief that things will improve, the knock-on effect of the coming economic collapse will be catastrophic. The sectors hit during a depression are the hospitality industry, pubs, restaurants, fast food takeaways, and the leisure and entertainment industries, to mention a few, all of which have already been severely hit through government lockdowns. Can you imagine these industries being closed? What will happen to the staff they lay off? The impact on the economy is unfathomable.

For some time, I have been warning those I know to ensure, as much as they can, that their job is recession-proof and that they prepare the best they can for hard times.

Some time ago, I wrote that the seals recorded in the book of Revelation had been opened. Since then, many people, like Medvedev, have likewise stated the same. I believe that the four horsemen of the apocalypse have been released. Currently, the first three seals are open as judgment is being poured out upon the earth. A person’s ONLY hope is to confess their sin, put their faith in the one true God and follow Jesus. Unfortunately, things are not going to get any better but significantly worse.

Currently, humanity is enslaved to the One World Order, a system run by what some refer to as the Illuminati, the globalists. However, the Bible refers to this system as the Beast – the Kingdom of the antichrist. The war between Russia and Ukraine is only the start of what is to come. The famine and economic collapse we are witnessing, which will soon intensify beyond belief, will further exacerbate people’s subjugation, as people willingly accept slavery to have food to survive. Then as, famine and economic turmoil engulf the world. When people believe things cannot get any worse. Global war will erupt, seeing approximately two billion people being killed from famine, pestilence and war.

Can you imagine witnessing such carnage and death? After enduring these events, people will accept the coming Great Reset that will see the global acceptance of the antichrist as a man of peace. A man who will promise to end war and division, to bring healing to a broken and ravished world. However, while peace will be promised, it will only be for those who accept his rule by embracing him as god. Thus, those who reject his dystopic utopian vision will be prevented from participating in the new world system. They will be labelled as terrorists, hunted down, imprisoned and killed when found.

Now, while what I have outlined sounds bleak, there is hope and a way out. You see, the reality of what is transpiring is the battle for the souls of every living person. Now, while some do not believe in God or think the devil is real, the reality is that both are very real, and both offer a way through what is transpiring. What the devil offers is only short-lived, while what the Living, one true God offers is eternal. It transcends this life into eternity. The question is, what and who will you choose?

I beseech you to surrender your life to God and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour! Confess your sin and seek to live a life according to God’s word. Now, while this response will save your soul and guarantee you will spend eternity with God, we still have to go through what is coming. However, if we trust in God and submit to Him, we will have peace regardless. Yes, some people will be martyred for their faith. Others will be imprisoned in concentration camps. However, others will endure till the end as they leave their homes and go on a great adventure with the Almighty. An adventure that will see the LORD guide, protect and provide for those who journey with Him, just as He did Israel in the wilderness when they left Egypt.

Friends, I have been warning of the days we are living in for many years. Not because I am anyone special. On the contrary, I am a sinner saved by God’s grace. Instead, I have understood the days we live because God has warned us through His word. God has repeatedly stated in the scriptures about the days we are living. It states that such times will not overtake believers if they are watching and are awake. But for those who are asleep, it will come upon them as a thief in the night.

Thus, I urge you to be ready spiritually, to draw close to the LORD as you put your 100% trust in Him and make ready physically as God directs. Time is short; please, do not procrastinate. Global famine, economic collapse, pestilence, and war are coming; therefore, prepare and make ready.

If you still fail to prepare in light of what we are witnessing or what I have said, then you only have yourself to blame.  

May God bless and keep you!


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[1] Tisdall, S. (May 21, 2022). Apocalypse now? The alarming effects of the global food crisis. The Guardian, online, available from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/21/apocalypse-now-the-alarming-effects-of-the-global-food-crisis

[2]  Logan, K. (September 13, 2020). British farmers struggle to salvage crops after the worst harvest in decades. CGTN, online, available from https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-09-12/British-farmers-struggle-after-the-worst-crop-harvest-in-decades-TJge1LcnJe/index.html

[3] Houston, G. (November 16, 2020). UN OFFICIAL WARNS OF “FAMINES OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS” IN 2021. Online, available from https://futurism.com/the-byte/un-official-warns-famines-biblical-proportions-2021

[4] Farrer, M. (May 19, 2022). Ukraine war has stoked global food crisis that could last years, says UN. The Guardian, online ,available from

[5] Gibbons, K. (August 25, 2021). Food shortages worst I have seen, says supermarket chief. The Times. Online, available from https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/food-shortages-worst-i-have-seen-says-supermarket-chief-c3km3q7vg

[6] Speciality Food. (August 27, 2021). What’s behind the latest food shortages? Online, available from https://www.specialityfoodmagazine.com/news/food-labour-shortage-brexit-covid

[7] Addy, R. (July 23, 2021). 2 Sisters president warns of worst food shortages in 75 years. Food Manufacture, online, available from https://www.foodmanufacture.co.uk/Article/2021/07/23/2-Sisters-Food-Group-boss-warns-of-worst-food-shortages-in-75-years

[8] Mitchell, K. (June 3, 2022). Tens of thousands of chickens killed in wright country eggs farm fire. CBS Minnesota, online, available from https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2022/06/03/wright-county-egg-farm-fire/

[9] Keim, M. (April 25, 2022). Thousands of chickens died in raging fire in stable in Heusden. AD News, online, available from https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/duizenden-kippen-overleden-bij-uitslaande-brand-in-stal-in-heusden~a61befaf/

[10] Parkman, C. (April 19, 2022). Avian flu outbreak at Exeter farm sees all birds culled. Devon Online, available from https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/avian-flu-outbreak-exeter-farm-6969024

[11] McNulty, M. (April 4, 2022). Egg prices skyrocket 52% in TWO MONTHS as bird flu decimates commercial flocks: As many as 11 million chickens and two million turkeys have died this year. MailOnline, available from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10682501/Egg-prices-skyrocket-52-TWO-MONTHS-bird-flu-decimates-commercial-flocks.html

[12] Farberov, S. (June 3, 2022). Putin crony invokes ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ amid Ukraine war. New York Post, online, available from https://nypost.com/2022/06/03/dmitry-medvedev-invokes-apocalypse-amid-ukraine-war/

[13] Cook, E. (June 4, 2022). Russia issues chilling apocalyptic warning to the West over ‘four horsemen’. Express, online, available from  https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1620646/ukraine-news-russia-sanctions-dmitry-Medvedev-UK-USA-eu-vladimir-putin

[14] Pleasance, C. (June 7, 2022). Furious Russian ambassador storms out of UN meeting as EU chief accuses Putin of sparking global food crisis by blockading Ukraine’s ports. MailOnline, available from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10892529/Russian-ambassador-storms-clash-Ukraine-food-supplies.html

[15] Murphy, J. (May 10, 2022). Viktor Orban warns of global ‘Famine’ due to shortages of Ukrainian, Russian grain. Neon Nettle, online, available from https://neonnettle.com/news/19025-viktor-orban-warns-of-global-famine-due-to-shortages-of-ukrainian-russian-grain

[16] Adler, T. (February 2021). Half a million businesses at risk of collapse without more support. Small Businesses UK, online, available from https://smallbusiness.co.uk/half-a-million-businesses-at-risk-of-collapse-without-more-support-2552099/

[17] Ibid.