Category: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are riding, and people fail to see what is in front of them!

In the Book of Revelation, we read about the four horsemen, often referred to as the four horsemen of the apocalypse, who usher in judgment upon the earth. [1] The horsemen are unleashed upon the earth when the Lamb of God—Jesus the Messiah—opens the first four seals of a seven-sealed scroll. Those who…

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Warning, what is coming is terrible! Only read if you want to know

Repost – wrote in September 2022 It has been stated that if we fail to learn the lessons from history, we are destined to repeat them.[1] Likewise, the Bible informs us that there is nothing new under the sun.[2] What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what…

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Are you ready for what comes next?

It is clearly evident that the world is currently in a mess. The global geopolitical condition is leading to an economic collapse, global famine and world war. A reality politicians globally are unable to stop. World leaders can only manage the situation, but eventually, global systems will collapse, and nations will go to…

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Intensification – sevenfold to come!

To state that the current situation in the Middle East is volatile is an understatement. The events of 7th October 2023 have resonated worldwide, igniting the area to such a level that WW3 could erupt. Tensions between Israel and Egypt are fragile due to Israel’s military buildup at the Rafah border. The Camp…

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The Opening of the Seals Revelation 6

Please find below a link to a podcast done over a year ago on the seals If you wish to donate by buying me a coffee, please click here BUY me a COFFEE

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World War 3 is coming – but only after a global economic collapse and famine.

The coming global events – economic collapse, famine and WW3 and Bible prophecy

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