Tag: prepare

Repentance – the word and the state of the church podcast

Podcast link to audio of article Have you ever wondered what the Bible means when you read “The word came” to a prophet, such as Jeremiah or Ezekiel? It is simple, but most overlook it. We read in the book of John. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the…

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The Repentant Heart – Will You Humble Yourself Before God?

Just over a month ago, I met with a group of men to discuss a vision my dear friend Pete had from the LORD. A leading to gather the men to humble themselves before God in repentance, prayer and worship – a vision I wholeheartedly support as it concurs with how I feel…

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Intensification – sevenfold to come!

To state that the current situation in the Middle East is volatile is an understatement. The events of 7th October 2023 have resonated worldwide, igniting the area to such a level that WW3 could erupt. Tensions between Israel and Egypt are fragile due to Israel’s military buildup at the Rafah border. The Camp…

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Contemplation – urgency to seek God!

As a Veteran, I am accustomed to war. I know what it is like to fight, to be under fire, to train hard and to fight easily. However, as a Christian minister, I have often found the majority of believers inept at comprehending what is required to wage war spiritually. I believe the…

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