Month: July 2021

The Nicolaitan, Methodist, Church

Recently, after apparently prayerful consideration, the Methodist church in the UK has voted to allow same-sex marriages. The Revd S. Hicks, President of the Conferences, commented how she prayed before the vote, asking that “words may be imbibed with your grace, with tenderness from on high.”[1] So, regardless of what scripture states, the…

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Famine is here – what will you do?

The UK has been warned that it faces a food crisis due to a lack of lorry drivers and production workers.[1] The food crisis is here, something people like myself have been warning of for some time.[2] It is the result of several factors, all of which have detrimentally affected global food supplies….

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Do not call a conspiracy what these people call a conspiracy

Currently, anyone who speaks against the global narrative espoused by governments, is labelled as disseminating conspiratorial views. Consequently, because of the person being labelled as a conspiracy theorist, they are excluded from further discussions, due to them being perceived as crazy, mad and uneducated. However, why do people react in such a way…

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Famine is here – what will you do?

The UK has been warned that it faces a food crisis due to a lack of lorry drivers and production workers.[1] The food crisis is here, something people like myself have been warning of for some time.[2] It is the result of several factors, all of which have detrimentally affected global food supplies….

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