Month: July 2024

Judgment is coming – what is your response?

Judgment is coming, and famine, economic collapse, and death are its tools. The question is, have people been heeding the warnings and thus prepared? Most people, including the Church, are blind, deaf and ignorant of the perilous state the UK and the West find themselves in. Western nations continue to provoke God, as…

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The Bride of Messiah and the Armour of God from a Biblical view.

The teaching was recorded on the 27th July 2024 Please consider supporting the work of Faith and Prepared by buying me a coffee by clicking here BUY me a COFFEE

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Graphene – the new Teflon: A highly hazardous compound

First published 22nd February 2022 Reposted due to the information The reality of Graphene Oxide (GO) within all the covid-19 vaccinations has been proven by scientific studies.[1] [2] But why have the manufacturers sought to keep the inclusion of GO and graphene-based materials (GBMs) within the vaccinations from people? Furthermore, is graphene the…

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Why the vote?

The United Kingdom is going to the polls today to elect a new government. Latest polls predict that Labour is on course for a landslide win with a 212-seat majority.[1] Thus, it is inevitable that the UK will have a new Prime Minister tomorrow, as Keir Starmer takes office and residency in number…

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Current events through a Biblical lens.

I am currently finish a book – The time of Jacob’s Trouble and the church – that looks at the days we are in and Bible prophecy. If you would like to be notified once it is released please email and ask to be added to my mailing list. Additionally, if you…

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