Month: April 2021

What is coming next – War or, economic collapse, or both?

Over the weekend, we had a needed respite from the media reporting of Covid-19. Instead of the government-sanctioned psy-ops, the media reported on the death of the Duke of Edinburgh – Prince Philip. However, was the intense coverage of the Duke’s death used as a smokescreen to cover the realities of the pending…

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The Rapid Covid Tests and the potential to deliver nanoparticles

Boris Johnson unveiled the UK’s next move in fighting the coronavirus on Monday evening. The key to his plan is to offer twice-weekly rapid lateral flow Covid tests to everyone in the UK.[1] Additionally, he was supposed to clarify the government’s move to trial the Covid passport, but instead, he was evasive in…

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Do we have freedom, or is it merely an illusion?

The UK started to emerge from the third lockdown on Monday 29th March 2021. People eager to utilise their newfound freedoms went out at 00:01 on Monday morning to play golf and go for a swim,[1] but are we truly free, or will our freedoms continually be curtailed in an effort to prevent…

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Let your light shine!

Daily we are presented with a barrage of negative news – accounts that further perpetuate the covid-19 nightmare and demonise those who will not accept the new norm. The Covid passport, like the vaccine, is hailed as a salvific measure that will restore normality to the world. However, such reasoning is inept of…

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Babylon Rising

Then I heard another voice from heaven say:” ‘Come out of her, my people, ‘so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; (Revelation 18:4)  In a future event, God warns His people to leave Babylon, otherwise, they will partake in her judgments…

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