Can you remember the Ready Brek advert that depicted a young boy glowing after eating Ready Brek? The strapline for the advert, ‘Get up and glow with Ready Brek.’[1] Well, depending on what milk you use, it might just be possible.[2] I am sure we have all read or heard about the claims…
Month: November 2024
Our only hope is God
The Bible informs us that prior to the time of Jacob’s trouble, also referred to as the Great Tribulation, there would be wars and rumours of wars.[1] That believers would lose faith as the love of many Christians would wax cold.[2] A person would have to be blind, deaf and stupid to not…
The UK economy is spiralling out of control, and war is coming!
The Express reported in November 2024 that the cost-of-living crisis is back and worse than ever.[1] Yet, while the article exposes some of the deprivation and problems in the UK, it fails to grasp that it never went away. The UK has been in a recession for some time yet is spun as…
My Fuhrer the clown – We will devastate our economy to facilitate the fourth industrial revolution
Fuhrer Starmer’s government passed its first budget.[1] It has had a devastating effect on the British economy.[2] Rises in business National Insurance contribution[3] is already causing some companies to commence winding down to close while many more are contemplating similar measures.[4] Furthermore, larger companies like Tesco estimate the increase in NI will cost…
Book coming soon!
The book Unlocking Bible Prophecy unpacks scripture to enable a person to understand Bible prophecy. Often, people fail to grasp what the Bible says concerning the days we live because they do not understand key biblical terms. The book Unlocking Bible Prophecy removes the mystery around Bible prophecy by using scripture to interpret scripture, laying…