The Bible informs us that prior to the time of Jacob’s trouble, also referred to as the Great Tribulation, there would be wars and rumours of wars.[1] That believers would lose faith as the love of many Christians would wax cold.[2]
A person would have to be blind, deaf and stupid to not see the perilous times we live. However, it saddens me that many Christians fail to see how dangerous the period we live. Furthermore, many Christians are spiritually illiterate. They do not know how to rightly divide the word of God. What is of grave concern is that many church leaders are inept at understanding scripture. Instead, they espouse the teachings of men or the latest podcast from a false prophet or hireling. Consequently, many Christians are fed on spiritual processed food instead of the richness of the word of God. Thus, in such actions, the bad shepherds of the church fulfil prophecies concerning the latter days.
We stand in perilous times. War is at the door. The UK recently permitted Ukraine to fire British Storm Shadow missiles into Russian territory. Yet, while most people accept Prime Minister Starmer’s statement that the UK is not at war with Russia as true, these missiles could not have been fired without the UK and NATO forces.
Russian Ambassador to the UK, Andrei Kelin told Sky news:
Absolutely, Britain and UK is now directly involved in this war, because this firing cannot happen without NATO staff, British staff as well.”[3]
Presently, NATO countries are waging war with Russia through its proxy Ukraine. Sadly, citizens in the UK and other NATO countries fail to comprehend that we are at war and will soon, unless de-escalation measures are taken, face the consequences of war. Yet, while Russia seeks to preserve the lives of its people and build mobile shelters for its citizens,[4] the UK fails to take any action to preserve its people.
Russia has shown great reserve in not attacking NATO nations. That statement does not mean I am pro-Russian. On the contrary, I am neither for them nor against them. Instead, I stand for truth and peace. However, I know the world will not know peace until the Lord Jesus returns. Until then, we will know tribulation.
However, the reality is that NATO is seeking war. Why? I am sure the reasons are multifaceted, but the short answer is to facilitate a New World Order.
Presently, Russia is contemplating action against Britain for the recent attack that used Storm Shadow missiles.[5] Consequently, the UK must prepare to face the consequences of the incompetent and stupid actions of the British government. A government that, in its pride, is not even preparing the people for war. Consequently, many people will die because of the arrogance of the British government and its failure to inform and prepare the people truthfully.
Those who follow this ministry will be aware that I have been warning people for years about the days we live. Have I laboured in vain, or have people taken action? I pray people have listened.
Time is short. The enemy is at the door. Peace has been removed from the earth. Famine and financial collapse are here, and war follows. Nevertheless, while world war is the fourth seal,[6] nations can be attacked before war escalates globally. Therefore, will we see the UK and the USA attacked before WW3? Only the LORD knows, but it would not surprise me.
A nuclear missile detonated in a certain way and in a precise location would create an Electromagnetic pulse that would destroy the electrical infrastructure of the UK and parts of Europe. Likewise, a similar device could do the same for America. Consequently, rendering them incapable of any military action as the nations targeted would be in turmoil, focusing on self-preservation rather than geopolitical global events. The NEMP[7] would have sent them back to the Stone Age.
When speaking with parliamentarians in January 2012, I discussed this very prospect. Likewise, a UK government document published in February 2012 outlines such possibilities and the consequences for the UK. In short, without any electricity, society would break down. Clean water would be gone within 24 hours once emergency electric supplies have been depleted. That means no clean water and no toilets; consequently, sickness, disease and death would follow because most people do not know how to survive in such conditions.
Society would break down. Gangs would roam, raping and pillaging as they went. Then when world war 3 transpires, these crippled nations would use what military they had left to defend themselves. The US and its allies would not be able to protect Israel, thus leaving her to be ravished by her neighbours. The war would end when a man would arise and, through flattery and lies, would bring a false peace.
Then, once the world leader is instilled, a man the Bible refers to as the antichrist, Christians and Jews would be persecuted and hunted down. Those in Judea would flee to the mountains to the place God had prepared to keep her safe.[8] Then, outraged, the antichrist would turn against Christians, torturing and killing those who refused to accept him as God.[9] Now, I will not go into the lawless acts that will be committed at this time. Nevertheless, I cannot stress enough that it would be unlike anything previously experienced in human history. Imagine the Dark Ages, the holocaust, and all other evil atrocities committed in time merged into one. Then, you will begin to imagine what this period will be like. All Hell is let loose as judgment because God has removed His hand of protection from the earth. Yet, it remains on those who humbly seek Him—those who are working out their salvation in fear and trepidation of God.
Praise God, this period only lasts for 3 ½ years.[10] Then, after this period, Jesus comes and ends the tyrannical reign of the antichrist and establishes His kingdom of peace.
So, are you prepared for what is to come?
A person’s only hope is to humble themselves before God and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Then, commit to walking humbly before God as you seek to live a life in submission to the word of God. Then, make physical preparations. However, sadly, it is too late for most to prepare physically and emotionally. Accordingly, due to their failure to prepare, many people have set themselves on a course that will bring death. Nevertheless, a person can ensure their eternal destination by crying out to God.
For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13 (ESV)
My forecast might seem unreal at present. Only time will tell how things will transpire. But one thing is inevitable: war is coming. More importantly, without Jesus, you will spend eternity in the lake of fire. Thus, I beseech you to seek life and cry out to God. Then, do everything you can to prepare for famine, economic collapse and war.
I pray you have ears to hear and eyes to see the reality of the situation and take the necessary steps.
May God help us.
[1] Matthew 24:6-13
[2] Matthew 24:12
[3] Clements-Thrower, A. (November 22, 2024) Vladimir Putin calls secret meeting tonight after threatening UK with hypersonic missile. Mirror online, available from
[4] Christie, O. (November 19, 2024) Russia starts mass-producing mobile nuclear bunkers capable of housing dozens and protecting against shockwaves and radiation – as Putin lowers threshold for launching nukes. Mail online, available from
[5] Clements-Thrower
[6] Revelation 6:7-8
[7] Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse – an EMP produced by strategically detonating a nuclear weapon over a specific area at a specific altitude.
[8] Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 12:6;13-16
[9] Revelation 12:17
[10] Revelation 13:5