Month: June 2021

What is next? Interdimensional beings – angels and much more!

What could possibly be next? Through the global medical martial law, governments globally continue to implement their dystopic world vision that bestows unimaginable, unquestioned and undemocratic power. In the UK, the government can, through the Coronavirus Act 2020, pass laws that relate to the control of the virus without parliamentary scrutiny.[1] PM Boris…

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A whirlwind is coming – are you ready?

The world is currently in turmoil, but why? The reason is simple; the nations have rejected God and His precepts. They have sown unrighteousness through the ungodly acts and laws.[1] Therefore, because they have sought after such things, the LORD has given them over to the evil desires of their hearts.[2] They have…

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True North – navigating what is coming

There are many ways a person can navigate using either the sun, the stars or by looking at signs in nature, such as the moss on a tree;[1] however, to apply such methods, a person needs to understand what to do and practice. At the moment it isn’t easy to navigate through and…

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