Global food supplies continue to be depleted, thus intensifying the impending worldwide famine.[1] The situation has deteriorated by the alarming number of fires at food processing plants and farms. To date, there have been in excess of 97 fires at food processing plants.[2] [3] I urge people to look at the links listing…
Month: June 2022
The church has caused a famine!
No one can deny that the world is a mess. But why are things so bad? The answer is simple. The world is in a mess because it has rejected God and His word. It is that simple. Lawlessness has increased because people have rejected the truth and are now enslaved to the…
Apocalypse now
Have you noticed the language used by people in authority when speaking of the current global instabilities? They are using Biblical eschatological metaphors to describe what is transpiring globally. Andrew Bailey, governor of the Bank of England, recently stated that the UK was facing apocalyptic levels of food price inflation.[1] Now while some…