Judgment is coming, and famine, economic collapse, and death are its tools. The question is, have people been heeding the warnings and thus prepared?
Most people, including the Church, are blind, deaf and ignorant of the perilous state the UK and the West find themselves in. Western nations continue to provoke God, as the people who bear His name profane it amongst the nations where they live. The Church redefines what sin is as it embraces that which God has called an abomination,[1] unnatural as being permitted and sacred through permitting not only the blessing of homosexual relationships but now the Church of England has approved the proposal to allow homosexual clergy to marry.[2]
The church of England website reported on the 8th July 2024 stating,
“The Church of England’s General Synod has given agreement in principle to taking forward outline proposals for the wider use of prayers asking for God’s blessing for same-sex couples in church services.”[3]
How can the Church of England ask God to bless something He has already stated is an abomination?[4] How arrogant! Why is there even a debate? The word of God is clear: God changes not;[5] He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.[6] Thus, when God states it is a sin and abomination,[7] it will always be so. To state otherwise is aberrant, blasphemous, and anathema before the Living God. Furthermore, if God states that homosexuals, like the sexually immoral, cannot enter the kingdom of God.[8] That is, unless they repent and desist from such perverse acts, how can the Church bless them in the house of God?
Thus, it raises the question regarding which God the Church of England and other denominators who embrace such abominations follow. It seems the Church has created its own golden calf—a god in its image that it seeks to worship as God. Consequently, for His holy name’s sake, God must judge the Church – for judgment starts with the house of God.
Nevertheless, if that was not enough, I have previously discussed how the inclusivity movement continues to grow within the UK,[9] having nearly one thousand churches, from Baptist, Methodist, and Anglican to Lutheran, United Reformed and free churches, who all subscribe to the inclusive[10] homosexual religious practice of lawlessness.
Now, I must stress that the gospel is inclusive. It is available to whoever, but to accept it, one must commit to submitting to living a life according to the word of God. As believers – followers of Jesus, they take their thoughts captive and bring them into submission to scripture. However, such self-discipline is not taught in the liberal, inclusive Church. Instead, doctrines of demons are embraced that permit a person to remain and practice sin.
Consequently, the institutional Church has become a group of denominational cabal that has lost their way. No longer do they hold to the Truth. Instead, they have embraced the doctrines of demons as the antichrist lawless spirit has enticed them. Consequently, the lawless spirit of the antichrist is at home in the institutional churches of the nations.
Thus, the LORD is forced to act for His holy name’s sake. For those commissioned to preserve and make known the Holy name of God have forsaken its first love and thus duty. They have turned away from the Truth. Therefore, judgment is coming. For the LORD’s hand of protection has been removed from the institutional Church. The aliens amongst us will be permitted to sift as they bring the judgment of God. They will ravish our lands like a human locus as peace is removed and replaced with fear and anguish.
Likewise, famine, economic collapse, death through war, pestilence, and famine will sweep the nations. Like in Egypt, when God defeated the gods of Egypt, the LORD revealed Himself as He brought down the gods of this age. Consequently, global markets will crash as a global depression decimates economies, thus defeating man’s god of fortune and wealth – capitalism. Likewise, the pride of nations will bring them down as war breaks out, resulting in insurmountable levels of death due to war, famine, and pestilence.
Consequently, the people of God must turn from their wicked, lawless ways and cry out to God in repentance as they prepare for judgment and persecution to fall.
However, out of the judgment, a church will arise victorious. It is not the institutional Church, but a church made up of people who have been emancipated from their shackles to religious dogma and denominations. A people who will worship God in Spirit and Truth, as God breaths life into the dry bones of the Church – the ecclesia. Furthermore, many will, during the coming judgment and persecution, lose heart and turn away from God. However, others will seek the LORD as they surrender their lives to God and commit to humbly following in the footsteps of the Messiah – Jesus.
Yes, the Church has lost its way. Yes, it is in the death rattle of its existence. However, as God judges the institutional Church, God will breathe life into the dry bones, as those who seek Him leave the institutional Church and walk along the ancient path, allowing the word of God to guide their footsteps.
The sound of God calling His people to repent is equalled only by His call instructing believers to come out of Babylon otherwise, His people will share in its judgment. The Church has departed from the Truth. God has been patient. He has been gracious, allowing time for the Church to repent and mend her ways. However, the time for judgment has come. The sins of the Church have reached the throne of God, and He MUST judge. Therefore, prepare for judgment, for it will be unequalled, but like a woman in labour, pain brings joy; the coming judgment will birth refining, and refining will bring renewal and life.
Thus, let us not lose heart, but neither let us be complacent. We must humble ourselves as we stand in the gap and repent.
Therefore, let us not be concerned or amazed at what society is doing. A case in point is the abomination depiction of the Lord’s support at the Olympics, for such acts reflect the depravity of the Church. The depiction of the rider, who once dismounted carried white cloth, foreshadowed the antichrist who will usher in his kingdom and the great martyrdom of the saints who wear white garments – the fifth seal.
I have repeatedly written that I believe the first seal – the white horse was unleashed with COVID-19 and depicts enslavement as people globally are enslaved/conquered. The second seal is the removal of peace. Now, while some argue this has not been unleashed because they have peace, one only needs to look at Ukraine, Russia and Tiwain. However, more importantly, one must look to Israel as prophecy is Israle-centric. Thus, Israel is not at peace. It has not been for some time, a reality that has become intense since October 7th 2023. The reality is that peace will continue to be removed because, sadly, people continue as usual without realising the perilous situation. Consequently, people fail to repent from sin and turn back to God. Nevertheless, the people of God should have peace, for their shalom – peace of body, mind and spirit comes from God, not our situation.
Furthermore, judgment will intensify as we continue in a deprived state and neglect to repent. Consequently, enslavement will intensify. Likewise, peace will continue to be removed. Why? Peace comes from God; thus, when lawlessness increases because people have turned from God, we will see a further depletion of peace.
The third seal is an economic collapse and famine. The fourth is a world war, famine, and pestilence as death is unleashed, after which martyrdom follows as Christians are beheaded and killed for their faith – a judgment depicted in the decapitated Marie Antoinette at the opening of the Olympics.
However, such things should not alarm or surprise those who are awake. Sadly, most have ears but do not hear and eyes but do not see. Consequently, God will make it clear when He judges so people will know it is God who judges. Alarmingly, many people will still reject the Living God even within the Church. Nevertheless, those awake must stand firm, hold fast, and continue to seek the LORD as they humbly follow Messiah and worship God in Spirit and Truth, remaining focused on Jesus.
The LORD will act for His holy name’s sake. The question is, how will He judge you? What is the condition of your heart?
I urge you to seek the LORD while He can be found. Do not be presumptuous or frivolous with the gift of salvation. Do not harden your heart or trample upon the grace God has bestowed. Instead, repent and seek God. Then come out of Babylon as you commit to worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth.
May the LORD bless and keep you,
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[1] Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.
[2] Billson, C. (July 10, 2024) Church of England body approves proposals to allow gay clergy to marry. The Pink News, online, available from https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/07/10/church-of-england-body-approves-proposals-to-allow-gay-clergy-to-marry/
[3] Church of England. (July 8, 2024) Synod signals support for ‘Anglican way forward’ on same-sex relationships. Online, available from https://www.churchofengland.org/media/press-releases/synod-signals-support-anglican-way-forward-same-sex-relationships
[4] Leviticus 18:22
[5] Malachi 3:6 (KJV) For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
[6] Hebrews 13:8 (NIV) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
[7] Leviticus 20:13 NIV) “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
[8] 1 Corinthians 6:9 (NIV) Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with me.
[9] Faith and Prepared. (May 18, 2024) Prolific heart disease within the church. Online, available from https://faithandprepared.com/prolific-heart-disease-within-the-church-2/
[10] https://www.inclusive-church.org/