For some time, I have been aware of a so-called council of British prophets who have established themselves as the prophetic voice within the UK. However, after watching many recordings and reading much of what they said, I could not find or hear the true voice of the prophetic speaking. Instead, I heard the voice of deception, lies and soothsayers mixed with Christian language.
So, let me explain why I say this.
The voice of the prophet in scripture is to warn the people and call them to repent. Now, one would expect during these lawless and prophetic times we live that the prophetic voice would be calling the Body of Messiah to repentance and sounding the alarm regarding the days we live in, as thy warn the people to prepare.
Sadly, that is not the case. The British Isles Council of Prophets have failed to do this. Furthermore, while the council was formed in 2019, no prophetic warning was given regarding Covid-19 nor any warning concerning the detriment of the covid-19 vaccinations which Dr. Fukushima, Japan’s most senior cancer expert stated that they are evil and have killed or debilitated people.[1]
Furthermore, the council has failed to warn people to prepare concerning the impending economic collapse and global war that is coming as God removes His hand of protection which brings judgement upon the nations for turning away from Him. Yes, the voice of the prophet is needed to call the people to repent. But sadly such admonishment is not coming from the British Isles Council of Prophets.
Consequently, one has to ask, what spirit is guiding them? Remember God does nothing without revealing it through His servants the prophets. Something God does as He watches over Israel – which the church has been grafted into. Thus, God warns through his servants the prophets so the people can repent and prepare.
Thus, I urge people to desist from listening to the soothsaying British council of prophets who tell you all is well. That the LORD will bless and consequently have failed to sound the alarm. The LORD will judge these charlatan false prophets for deceiving the people. However, we should not be alarmed by such actions. The Bible informs us that in these days many false prophets would arise.
Now, before some say I should seek to speak to the council of prophets. I did communicate with them via there website a number of months ago. A copy of the letter I sent is below. However, to date I have not received a response. Therefore, due to the severity of the period we live, must warn.
Please note, I am not seeking to judge. Instead, I am seeking to hold them to account, because they fail to warn and prepare the people. Furthermore, as a watchman, I must sound the alarm. I must warn people. Therefore, hear the warning oh British Isles, false prophets are here.
They hear but do not listen. They see but are blind due to the tarnished lens they use. Consequently, they utter half truths and thus deliver false hope as they fail to warn. For the messages they give are not from the Living God. Instead, they come from deceptive and lying spirits which enslave people.
The prophetic voice today is calling people to repent and turn back to God. It is warning the people of the impending judgment which will intensify because of the lack of repentance.
It is time for the people of God to open their eyes and see. To harken to the voice of God as they fall on their knees in repentance.
The UK has been weighed, measured and found wanting, consequently judgment is here and will intensify. Only repentance will stem the severity but it will not stop god from judging. The people have sown lawlessness and so lawlessness they will reap. The LORD will give the world the leader it desires and deserves. He is the one spoken of from old, he is the man of sin- the lawless one who will enslave humanity and murder the saints. But his rule will be short. Even now as judgment is being unleashed, the armies of heaven are preparing to come, but first the Word of God must be fulfilled. Then only then will the Word who became flesh – the King of kings return and liberate His people and put His enemies under His feet.
Do not despair. The LORD is raising up leaders in the UK and the nations. Leaders who hear His voice. Who walk humbly before him. These leaders have the anointing of the prophets of old, for God has set them apart and is filling them with His Holy Spirit. They will guide the people of God during these days, through the wilderness of the people. Those who doubt what the LORD will do, will be confounded as they see the hand of the LORD move supernaturally in these days through those He appoints and anoints.
Therefore, let us desist from listening to lies. Instead let us seek God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as we repent and prepare for what is coming.
May the LORD bless and keep you!
Letter I sent to the so-called Council of Prophets.
Dear British Isles Council of Prophets,
I was excited to hear that we had a prophetic voice speaking in the UK – a move that seeks to establish the prophetic office within the United Kingdom as it speaks to the Body of Messiah, identifies and confronts spiritual strongholds, exposes hidden demonic strategies, and rejects the dispensationalist pretribulation rapture view.
However, I was saddened when I could not find any prophetic words speaking of the condition of the church or admonishing the body to turn away from sin and to repent from embracing aberrant theologies on your site. Consequently, I am writing to seek clarity.
Within scripture, we find that the role of the prophet is to warn the people of judgment and call them to repent for turning away from God and His word. Furthermore, we read in Jeremiah that God is dissatisfied with the prophets for not warning and for not calling the people to repent, but instead disregarding the sinful state of Israel and thus accepting it. Consequently, God calls Jeremiah to come and speak out and warn the people and the prophets.
Today, the world is in tribulation. The church has embraced aberrant doctrines that, in some way, preach a different gospel. A case in point is the inclusive network of nearly 900 UK churches that have embraced homosexuality within the church and consequently fail to challenge sin. Likewise, the acceptance of same-sex marriage, the ordination of homosexuals, and drag queens within the church all of which proclaim a heretical false gospel. Additionally, embracing relative theology detracts from the truth of God’s word, to mention a few.
I am concerned that as a prophetic voice in the UK, no prophetic words were given concerning the above, nor any given before the COVID pandemic to warn the people or admonish the actions of most churches when they capitulated to the mandate of the government to close by the council of prophets. Consequently, such churches did not help or minister to people by laying hands on the sick or visiting the sick and needy as commanded in scripture. Instead, they capitulated to government edicts and negated scripture, which Paul even admonished people to continue to meet even as they see the Lord’s return drawing close.
On your site, there seems to be a paucity of prophetic admonishments calling the people to stand firm on the word of God or to pray and repent for the church’s actions.
Furthermore, where was the prophetic voice from the Council of Prophets warning the people of the dangers of vaccinations? This is a reality that is now unquestionable within academic research and medical statistics, as mRNA vaccinations can cause irrevocable dangers to a person’s health.
Did the British Isles Council of Prophets release any warnings?
What action has the council taken to call the church to repent from aberrant doctrines of demons that are seducing people?
The prophetic words I have read seem to be reflective and one of blessing or appealing to itching ears. Others warn of war or social, political and economic instabilities, which such warnings can easily be compiled by someone who has a basic grasp of the global geopolitical situation. A prophet, however, would sound the alarm and call the people to pray and repent. The prophetic voice would be speaking to why such is taking place, warning of impending judgment and the need to return to the LORD as people repent of sin.
Please forgive my direct tone. The severity of the situation the Body of Messiah finds itself in is catastrophic. We are living in a period of tribulation and judgment. Our only hope is to gather and repent, to turn from our wicked ways and seek to walk in the truth of God’s word. We must set aside our traditions and human wisdom and seek to walk according to the word of God as we work out our salvation in fear and trepidation of God.
To call the people of God to return to Him. To put aside the doctrines of men, our own theology, as we lean not on our own understanding but trust in the Lord with all our heart as we acknowledge God and His word – walk in it in our lives, then God will direct our paths. However, sadly, the church stands at a juncture – we either choose to walk in the ways of God, or we reject them and walk in the ways of the god we have created in our image. The first requires repentance; the latter will bring greater judgment if people do not turn away from idolatry.
Like some of the prophetic words on your site state, I see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit like never before, but I also see judgment and tribulation and the need for the Body of Messiah to repent.
The LORD showed me many years ago how we would be seeing a time of great destruction, as old institutions and nations are uprooted and judged, but at the same time, we would witness a harvest during a period of great judgment. A time I believe we are now in.
Additionally, I see, like yourself, a re-establishment of the fivefold ministries and the breaking down of denominational structures to establish a kingdom-focused paradigm and structure. However, the key to such is repentance and returning to God as we stand on His word and walk again along the ancient path. Such a move will transpire. It is necessary to walk through the days ahead. The only way the church walks through tribulation is through the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, as believers overcome, through the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and not loving their life unto death, walking humbly before the living God is required. The Fear of the LORD will return to the Body of Messiah. It must, but repentance is critical for the LORD to hear our cries. For without repentance, God will not move.
Please forgive the directness of my email. But, as stated, I believe we are in perilous times, and I see the urgent need for the people of God to repent. I hope that my assessment of the Prophetic Council is wrong, that warnings have been made, and that the people have been called to repent. However, if not, maybe the Prophetic Council needs to reflect on what the LORD is stating. Historically, the prophets of Israel were not liked. The people rejected the message because it went against the religious narrative being espoused by the majority.
Thus, I urge you to take stock and seek the LORD for what He is saying. If I have missed judged, please forgive me. However, if the Prophetic Council has neglected to warn the church and has not called the church to repent for the doctrines of demons, embracing a false gospel and failing to be salt and light, then I urge the Council of Prophets to repent and seek the LORD. Failure to do so will result in the coming judgment to be severe for any false prophets.
I look forward to hearing from you, and I pray the LORD will guide and direct us.
Blessings in Messiah,
[1] Miller J. (May 16, 2024) Japan’s Most Senior Cancer Doctor: COVID Shots Are ‘Essentially Murder’. Restoring Liberty. available from