Russia, and especially President Putin, are being demonised. At the same time, Ukrainian President Zelensky is being hailed as a man of peace – a messiah type figure, as people across the UK fly Ukrainian flags in support of the country’s stand against Russian aggression. However, while I could go into the reality…
Category: Uncategorized
Are the seals opening?
Have you contemplated what is presently happening in the world? First, we had the coronavirus that restricted people’s daily interaction, making them slaves to a medical system. Now we have a war between Russia and Ukraine that could go global. Additionally, food and fuel costs are rising exponentially as global economies are destabilising…
Focus – life or death?
The Uk, along with the world, has been transfixed on death through its sole focus on covid-19 for the past two years. However, such fixation has caused paralysis within society and the body of Messiah. Consequently, sections of society have been damaged, as evident within the economy and health care sector. Moreover, spiritually…
Why the change?
This week the U.K. government has broken ranks with its global partners as it looks to be withdrawing mandatory covid vaccinations within the NHS and health and possibly care workers.[1] So, why are they changing their mind now? The government narrative is that Omicron is not as severe as first thought or Delta,[2]…
No longer a conspiracy – So how many more lies do governments espouse?
Globally conversations are covid centred. The virus has become the ubiquitous focus of global interaction, narratives and life, as Covid-19 has saturated and invaded every area of life. However, the global narrative espoused by governments and institutions does not challenge the status quo or the quagmire of lies regurgitated by the media in…
Has peace been taken from the world?
Peace continues to be taken from the earth as divisions, and societal tensions are perpetuated both within nations, as hatred towards the unvaccinated escalates, and between nations, evident within the escalation between Russia and NATO. Fourth jab and more to come! The UK government continues to echo the global message that the Omicron…
Are we seeing the consequences globally of the opening of the second seal?
Last week, I wrote a brief introduction to the seals recorded in Revelation 6. In the article, I outlined how I believe that the first seal opened, evident in the enslavement of humanity through the covid plandemic cult. Humanity has accepted slavery and embraced the new norm of COVID-19 lies instilled by psychological…
Omicron rising – are the seals opening?
Omicron has arrived! The deception continues as the UK government remains consistent in its agenda to subjugate and enslave the populace as it implements further dystopic measures of the beast system. In the coming days, we will witness things worsening for those who stand for truth, who resist taking the death jab. However,…
Judgment at the House of God
Why is the world in such a turbulent and chaotic state? Could the answer reside not in the physical realm in which we interact, but instead in the spiritual most do not believe exists? Currently, we see a world in chaos as it engages in a global fight against a virus that many,…
It has only just begun
The Covid-19 merry-go-round continues; however, most seem to have accepted the government’s lies through misguided allegiance and faith, as the vaccination continues to be pushed as the only saviour regardless of the consequences. Thomas Renz, an attorney based in Ohio, has commenced a lawsuit against the federal government for failing to disclose the…